Who is "BotCop"?

Who is "BotCop"?

A Dossier on BotCop


  • Height:  77”
  • Weight:  317lbs
  • Chassis Type:  Mobile / Dexterous
  • UPC Status:  Active

Biographical Summary

BotCop is a product of the society he lives in. Literally.

Universal Progress Control, or UPC, strives to make their Bot civilization a shining representation of humanity at its best, and as such every bot is given free will...the ability to choose. Every bot must want to contribute to society, but must also have to ability to choose not to, otherwise there is no real society, only machines enslaved by other machines.


Anywhere both rules and free will exist there will also be crime, and where there is crime there must be someone there to combat it. In 2084 those bots are called APUs (Autonomous Peace Units.) APUs created from inception to be APUs and are never given names, though they are allowed to have them.


BotCop is a humanity mega-fan. He chose a male identify after his second viewing of Dirty Harry and began calling himself “Bot Cop” after discovering Paul Verhoeven's 1987 action classic. (creator's note: He lengthened it to Botteous Coppalla after being repeatedly asked what “BotCop” was short for, completely against my recommendation and, hopefully, his better judgement)


BotCop enjoys being a Peace Unit and relishes in the thought that humanity would be proud of what Botkind has become in their absence and that he's been a part of that. He wears a facsimile of what he assumes a hard-boiled detective of the mid-twentieth century would wear, and even has the UPC logo emblazoned on his chest like Batman.


Catch BotCop in action 9-29-2022 in the 9-page ashcan available for free at BotCOp2084.com!

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